
What is Freelancing – Blur The Gap Between Work & Play!

Freelancing – Blurr The Gap Between Work & Play!


Many of us have an aversion to being restricted, especially when it comes to working. The idea of being one’s own master can sound tempting to a lot of people among us. Usually, those who prefer functioning independently instead of being ordered around tend to drift towards freelancing. But, what does the term “freelancing” imply? Simply, a job that allows you to work while you are basking in the comfort offered by your room.

Freelancer – Time To Hire Yourself!

A “freelancer” offers its services to multiple clients by making use of their abilities and expertise in a particular field. A freelancer is somebody who does not work under a typical work setting, i.e., they do not work under any particular organization, company, firm, or other similar enterprises. Several companies tend to work with freelancers and hire them for a brief period. Simply put, a freelancer is a self-employed individual who chooses to be his/her/their boss. Freelance jobs are often referred to as “gigs”. 

The History Of Freelancing – When & Where It All Started!


The origin of the word “freelance” is pretty interesting. It is widely believed that the term “freelance” made its first appearance in Sir Walter Scott’s novel, Ivanhoe. However, it must be noted that freelancers existed even before the word came into existence. 

In medieval times, there existed mercenary knights and/or soldiers who offered their services to those who would pay them more. Over time, the term “freelance” acquired broader connotations. At present, we use the term to refer to people who do not commit themselves to a particular profession. 


The Popularity Of Freelancing – Boom For Freelancers!


Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. – Aristotle                                               

Freelancing is steadily gaining popularity among potential job-seekers and even among individuals who are associated with salaried jobs. A study conducted by Upwork has revealed that as many as 57 million individuals in America were involved in freelancing in 2019. The rising popularity of freelancing has led to the development of what is known as the gig economy.

Its Pros & Concerns – Weigh Well!


But why are freelance gigs becoming so popular? If you choose to be involved in freelancing, you can enjoy a lot of freedom. 


  • Choose your working hours
  • Exercise full control over your earnings
  • Choose who you would like to work with
  • Choose to work remotely and would not have to attend a formal work setting.


  • Be careful about the rates prevailing in the market 
  • Cannot provide that fixed money assurance
  • Whether or not you will be hired in the future will always be veiled in uncertainty
  • Must never be confused with a work-from-home job

Career Opportunities – Just Name It!

Love What You Do, You Don’t Have To Be Pushed. The Vision Pulls You. – Steve Jobs

Freelancers can be employed in a wide variety of fields, like –

  • Accounting
  • Marketing
  • Teaching
  • Project management
  • Graphic design
  • Marketing
  • Web development
  • Writing and/or editing

Freelance Writing as a Profession

In medieval times, freelancers were equipped with lances or swords but in the 21st century, the pen has become a weapon for a lot of freelancers. The pen has indeed become mightier than the sword for many who earn their living by writing. Freelance writers offer their services to a wide variety of clients. They write for magazines, periodicals, news outlets and newspapers, and so on. Freelance writers can offer a wide array of content to their clients depending on their requirements.

What content to expect from freelance writers?


You can expect the following kinds of content from freelance writers:

  • Business writing like company memos, HR documents, etc.
  • Technical writing
  • Academic content such as a course or study materials, research papers, academic essays or reports and many more
  • Content associated with marketing like social media posts, blogs, ad scripts, email campaigns and so on
  • Articles for newspapers and magazines
  • Social commentary
  • Public relations writing includes press releases, speeches, etc.

Some freelancers even offer to ghostwrite.

Pros and Cons of Being a Freelance Writer


If you choose to be a freelance writer, you would be able to work remotely. A freelance gig in terms of writing and editing does not necessitate attending an office. Writers need to exercise a degree of creative freedom and freelancing can often let you exercise your creative license. While it is true that you might have to make some negotiations with your clients before doing so, you will still enjoy some freedom in terms of creation.

But like any other freelance gig, a career in freelance writing is not without uncertainties.

You must be consistent and passionate about writing if you wish to be a freelance writer. You might have the potential to shine but unless you are goal-oriented, you might not be able to realize your potential to the fullest. That being said, you must learn to strike a balance between your personal life and work. While it is important not to lose sight of your aim, you must learn to make time for yourself as well. 


Be Free By Freelancing – Let’s Conclude!


“Great love and great achievements involve great risks.” – Dalai Lama

In every walk of life, you will be confronted with a host of challenges. You have to take risks at some point in time. Nothing substantial can come about if you are too afraid to take risks. Freelancing as an employment opportunity indeed entails a lot of trials and tribulations. But, if you feel you have the skill and expertise in a particular field and are willing to take the risk, you must never prevent yourself from pursuing the same. 

After all, you cannot discover Wonderland if you are too afraid to go down the rabbit hole. If you are looking to hire freelance content writers for your next gig who deliver nothing but quality content with quick turnaround time, Writorek is your go-to destination. Check us out and do’s forget to contact us for some amazing in-house offers!

Want to hire us? Let’s talk!


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